Club Roles

Please find below a list of our club's rules and positions and current holders. 

These positions are renewed annually at our club AGM, and are all voluntarily positions except Head Coach. 

Should you be interested in undertaking a role in future, or finding out what is involved please speak with a Committee member, or email the club secretary. 

Thank you. 

Committee 2023 - 24

President - Scott Mason

Vice President -  Vacant 

Secretary - Deirdre Parkinson

Membership Secretary - Kevin Smith 

Welfare Secretary - Kathryn Burningham 

Ordinary Member - Carys Mitchell 

Communications Officer - Alex Cuthbert 

Treasurer - Duncan Anderson

Club Captains

Ladies teams - Gillian Glass

Male teams - Darren McQuade

Head Coach

Colin Thomas

Juniors Coach

June MacLeod

Level 2

Donald MacLaren (Coaching Coordinator)

Tom Keenan

Rebecca Simister

Scott Mason

Michael Gowans

Level 1

Marianne Wilson

Darren Shields

Deirdre Hoyle

Peter Meehan

Carys Mitchell

Simon Parkinson

Kit Captain

June MacLeod